GRAPHICS: Pretty, particularly the character models. I loved the glowing reds and almost gory designs of the roots taking over the city.
CHARACTERS: Fun, charismatic, interesting, and if you've played the former DMC games they're endearingly familiar. My personal favourite is V, who neatly slots into character tropes I tend to enjoy, but I also liked (the sadly little we get of) Lady, and Dante was hilarious as always. I particularly enjoyed the Dante-and-Vergil dynamic.
DIALOGUE/VOICE ACTING: Voice acting is brilliant, particularly Dante's. Nico's accent grated on me a little, but that's entirely a me thing.
PLOT: Nothing mind-blowing or unique, but you probably don't come to Devil May Cry for the complex story. It's interesting enough to service the game.
GAMEPLAY: Genuinely fun to play through, and combat feels satisfying and flashy. I found V's combat style most fun to play, Dante's trickiest to do well at, and Nero's easy to master but not as engaging.
MULTIPLAYER: I didn't focus on it overly much during my playthrough, but it had a fairly interesting take on it from what I recall. In certain sections of the game, you can see other players controlling the other playable characters in the distance in their own sections of the map, and at the end you can give them a ranking on how well they did. I pretty much just gave everyone a Stylish rating, which grants them a gold orb, because why not? I'll have to delve more deeply into this aspect of the game when I replay.

Favourite Male Character: V
Favourite Female Character: Lady
First Character I Liked: Lady
Favourite Character Design: Repetitively, V and Lady
Favourite OST: Devil Trigger
Favourite Scene: V's hair turning white
Least Favourite Character: None

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2023
