man this game.... it will be unforgettable, I loved the story a lot. it had a meaningful storyline, and this is one of the first games that actually made me emotional. all the characters are awesome, I romanced Chie Satonaka, she was my favorite, I also got the good ending, not the true ending. but none of the less the ending was AWESOME! I enjoyed it a lot, and I will put the dancing and arena spinoffs to mind too, they do got ports for the new PlayStation. I also finished it on pc too, I normally don't play story games on the pc, but I had it for a long time, and I never thought of continuing it, but I'm glad I did. this game is now on my top 5 favorites of all time, right next to persona 5. the persona games are awesome, I want to play more, but its time consuming, but I finished it in the summer, so its ok. I recommend playing this game, if you like puzzles, mystery, friendship, and you got to have patience while playing too, everything takes time. 10/10 game for sure. I started it 2 years ago when it just released on pc, but I'm just gonna put the starting time on the day I decided to continue it.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2023
