...Did I play the same game as everyone else?

This game feels absolutely HORRIBLE to play. Everything feels like it does not work. Parrying is way too precise to use all the time, which would not be a bad thing if the fucking dodge did not work most of the time. I cannot count how many times that I perfectly hit dodge on time and the enemy STILL hits me. At first I was wondering that it was a skill issue, and I was really hoping it was, but nothing felt right. Attacking does not feel satisfying, animations on enemies feel incomplete like they're missing frames, making them even worse to fight, and the main way of avoiding attacks feeling like it doesn't work most of the time.

Also this game includes the worst thing about every Souls game that came out between Dark Souls 1 and Sekiro. You have to travel back to the main hub, talk to the level up waifu, and then travel back to where you were. Why? I know you're trying to imitate Bloodborne but you also don't need to imitate the bad things it did.

I really wanted to like this game, but the truth is I have not been this disappointed and pissed off with a game in a long time. And it sucks because this game does do things really well. The level design is decent and the weapon customization is amazing, but what does that mean when the game just feels like dogshit to play?

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
