It's kinda crazy seeing how similar the history of Crash and Sonic are.
They started out as trilogies made to rival Mario to give their individual consoles a mascot. There where a few spinoffs, even a racing game (Sonic R, CTR). They kind of went downhill after that. There where some games people loved (Sonic Adventure 2 and Crash Twinsanity, both sequels to games that started as the "next generation" version of those characters, Sonic Adventure and Wraith of Cortex.) but the majority of games sucked. It was clear the developers didn't know what to do. There where even attempts to make a 4th game.
But then Sonic Mania came. A true constitution of that trilogy that reminded everyone why we love Sonic. Crash Bandicoot 4 is the Sonic Mania of Crash games.
In a genius move they have somehow made the game fresh and a brand new experience while still feeling like it belongs in this franchise. I could go into massive detail about everything but i'd be wasting your time. The game is only $30 on the PS store for Christmas so what the hell are you waiting for?

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2020
