This game makes me so mad to think about. It was an ambitious project that was sadly ruined by a horrific launch that could've been prevented had EA and Bioware not had their heads up their asses and let it stay in the oven longer. All the post-release work was spent on fixing (some) bugs and anything to do with story DLC or a sequel was either scrapped or put in a book that probably no one read.

I feel like this could've been like a "new ME1" for what could be considered an Andromeda galaxy trilogy but due to corporate greed and EA wanting to push a shitty Destiny clone (Anthem) out asap and Bioware's incompetence this game would never realize its potential.

The story and character writing was... whatever, and the exploration was just dogshit, but the gunplay and combat were some of the coolest in the series.

I feel like as individual games (separate from the rest of the trilogy) this one isn't that far off from ME1 level and could've been the start of something special like ME1 was, but due to shitty decisions, it would never be.

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2023
