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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 11, 2021

Platforms Played


I love Quake Live, but do you know what else I love? Ratz Instagib 2.0.
Sometimes all you want is a game with rocket jumping, full air control and instagib railguns. That's exactly what Ratz Instagib 2.0 gives you and nothing else. That and a map editor that allows you to make your own Ratz Instagib 2.0 maps to frag your friends on.

Storywise it's actually quite deep. After a catastrophic earthquake that shattered the earth's core; humanity fled underground and were instantly transformed into tiny Ratz (Instagib 2.0). After figuring out that they literally could not die anymore, the humans (now Ratz (Instagib 2.0)) decided to wage an endless war for fun and profit.

Fat Cats (another mutation of humans) control the rats (humans (now Ratz (Instagib 2.0))) and exploit their warfare for national sport. And, due to the fact that the warriors (rats (humans (now Ratz (Instagib 2.0)))) are a smaller size they didn't even have to build new arenas. All they had to do was strap a jetpack to the little wannabe astronaut soldiers (warriors (rats (humans (now Ratz (Instagib 2.0))))) and let them loose in arenas.

The story follows Alec (a wannabe astronaut soldier (rat (warrior (human (now Rat(z (Instagib 2.0)))))) who ventures out into the world of Ratz Instagib( 2.0)bing to make a name for himself. Of course, it's quite dramatic, but saying anymore would be spoiling it 😳

Please buy & play this game.