Will I ever be as good as Alexander?

For the first four or six hours this was my favourite game ever. I still think the gameplay here is worthy of framing and hanging in some sort of gameplay museum. Tons of different combinations, fun to use moves and complexity of states comparable to fighting games together with deep enough enemy variety makes this game a cocktail of pure octane which you are trying to drink while bungee jumping.

Unfortunately I got tired of fighting through levels after six hours mark and started to try skipping as much as possible and proceed to boss fights. Because they are never not fun. Except for weeb-grandpa, fuck this bastard. And flying midget with telekinetic powers. Yeah, they are reused as much as possible but they are so great that I don't actually mind.

I'm glad that after Elvis death the game sped up in plot department because without my boy this story went to shit pretty fast. And short version of it you're the Cringe Hand, you have an enemy called the Edge Hand. Those are the actual hand of God. That's it. And somewhere there are demons trying to do stuff to our world. But who cares about them in the ultimate battle of cringe vs edge?

Honestly, I have no idea what to say about it. Graphics are shit, level design is shit, everything here is shit but for some reason the gameplay and all those shitty things click together brewing some of the greatest boiling messes of a soup I ever tasted. It's just fun to play.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2022
