Baldur's Gate 3 is not a new or innovative game. What it represents is a specific kind of RPG that we use to get fairly often and games of its ilk are extremely rare these days.

In that way, it's a breath of fresh air to finally have an RPG with real depth, progression systems, decision making, and exploration.

The cast is straight up some of the best that's ever been in an RPG of this profile. While the main narrative is serviceable, it mostly serves as setting for the excellent character writing.

The immersive sim elements that made the Divinity: Original Sin games so brain teasing and addicting remain and are emboldened by legitimately good RPG combat and class design.

Having my build that I theorycrafted before even starting the game "activate" was a true moment of bliss.

The comments made about this game being polished to a sheen are likely from people who have not reached Act 3 where the game begins to crumble under its ambition. The amount of content cut from Act 3 causes many quests and NPCs who you have spent the better part of 70+ hours building on are likely to fall apart. As someone who played the game when it first released as an early access title years ago, I can tell you that Act 3 is still in an early access state.

The ending is unsatisfying and its clear that this is an unfinished game. However, I would much rather have a game that shoots for the stars but struggles to reach its ideal vision than one without a pulse altogether.

If this is supposed to be solo D&D experience, maybe it's a bit fitting that the ending hours are cobbled together and barely work, just like when your dungeon master throws together an end to a D&D campaign that people stopped showing up for.

We need more games like Baldur's Gate 3 and we needed them yesterday. Also, the definitive edition next year gonna bang frfr.

Reviewed on Aug 24, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

So true and real

9 months ago

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