The game is extremely bland in many departments, there is barely content at all and when they do it comes as a DLC.
Also the hitboxes are terrible, zombies barely do animations of attacking you yet get hit multiple times, one strong example of this is when a horde gets massive and passes through you instead of the zombies stopping to try and hit you then run you over and you get killed instantly.
Special zombies also have really unfair hitboxes, the lurker being able to jump you through walls or get you anyway when they jump in the wrong place: other one would be the bull, the bull instead of charging in a straight line it follows you movement doing even full 180º that will get you even if you get behind the corners of any buildings.
Also the companions AI is braindead and does less than the bare minimum

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024

1 Comment

3 months ago

gem review