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This game is great in two areas, good in a couple others and ranges from bad to serviceable for everything else. The two areas I find to be great are the characters and the story. From their designs, to their history, to their banter, to their dynamics between one another, the characters in this game are truly a joy to watch interact and slowly change each other over the course of the game. The overarching story is also rather good with an antagonist that I feel is rather sympathetic.

For the rest of the game, its hard to say. The two areas I think are good are the music and the skits, they add a lot to the experience and help make certain scenes and characters quite memorable. The areas I find serviceable are the world (rather average, maybe slightly above), the art/visuals, and the combat (although this last one hinges on bad for me). Lastly, I find the enemies, exploration, and reuse of assets/enemies to be a serious blunder and are quite bad. Tales of Arise does this better although that game still has some similar issues. The only area of this game that I consider a mixed bag are the side quests. They are typically boring to do but often lead to interesting character development that helps understand more about the side characters and main party.

Overall I really enjoyed my time with this game. If you can stomach the boring/repetitive combat, enemy variety, and exploration, and are looking for engaging characters and a well executed revenge story, check this game out. Otherwise, you can probably skip this one.