NEO: TWEWY is definitely a game i enjoyed, although not as much as the first game it is very much a great game but i do have my problems. my personal grips are the main characters being a little on the clihe side or kind of annoying and in my opinion lacked the impact the first game characters did, but they do get some development. another thing is how formulaic time travel mechanic becomes you basically just see the future, future happens, and you stop it, i feel like it would be more interesting if there were certain items/pins you can only get when you travel back in time. now for the things i liked i won't too much but all i'll say is that the gameplay is just amazing having pins be set to a character with a press of a button is really good and allows for some pretty cool combos. dispite what i said about the main characters i actually like Rindo as a main character, not a good a Neku but not bad especially toward the end. the new reapers are really interesting especially shoka witch i won't spoil.
All in all it is a great game with an Interesting story great combat and of course amazing music

the gameplay and music is awesome but everything else is.....not great

i worked in a hospital as a custodian and on my lunch breaks i would get bored so...........yeah look i didn't pay for anything!...maybe

perfect way to own all of them. buy it

One of my favorite touhou games and my first. and it has youmu so yeah

What.....just why was this game made?

I generally had a blast playing these games even though their not perfect and show their age especially with the bump combat, it's a short but sweet playthough, this remake especially has some kick ass remixes so that helps, good entry point for Ys imo

Honestly this game gets way too much hate for what it is I enjoy it a lot and still go back to it, not my favorite FE game but a damn fun one

I unironically enjoy this more than the og and I do not care, og FE6 is full of flaws and that's why this hack exists, sorry for fans

It was ok for what it is but I don't plan on playing it again, gacha just aren't my thing anymore, also Lisa is mommy waifu