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I kept hearing that it was a really good game and that some people event hink this is the best AA game and what a REAL disapointment it ended up to be. To be honest, it's not a bad game at all but it's completely average from the start to the end. I have some BIG problems with the game and I would like to start with the main one that is : Apollo.

Don't get me wrong, I like him like I liked Phoenix in the first cases of AA1. And that's the whole problem because Apollo end up being a simple copycat of Phoenix with no real difference in personnality with his "mentor". The same go with Trucy who is just a copycat of Maya which is worse here since she has sprites that are almost identical to Maya.

For the rest of the cast, I quite liked to see a completely washed out Phoenix but the Gavin brothers... Kristoph is written to be the bad guy and there is nothing more to add to it, that's all. And Konrad is just a dude who makes music and is handsome but has no real goal motivating him to beat Apollo in court. It's just a normal dude who does his job and don't care about any kind of revenge toward Apollo for putting his brother in jail, which I wouldn't think is a bad thing in another licence. But In AA the antagonists always had a reason to beat Phoenix in court before. Edgeworth wanted to beat Phoenix for crushing his perfect streak and his ego. Von Karma wanted to clean her last name and Godot wanted to get revenge on Phoenix which he considered the origin of all his problems. And Konrad has got nothing like that with Apollo which is a BIG problem imo.

Now apart of the cast i have a real problem with how they handled 4-4. What I loved with AA1-3 was that the final case was always bringing a lot of stress by putting us i an uncomfortable position where we had to help a relative of Phoenix in different ways. And there is nothing of that in 4-4, we just defend a random girl who is related to and old case that is teased since the beginning of the game. So here there is not this stressfull position that we were used to. There is another problem and it can be ironic but it's coming directly from Phoenix. Not only does he steal the spotlight from Apollo everytime he's here but he also takes half of the 4-4. I don't think that for a legacy game it's a good thing that the best part of the game is when you play with the previous main character. Best part that is not even really great to be honest with the most fucked up way the serie has ever resolved a case. Finding clue in the future to use them in the past is just a complete nonsense. And to completely kill it, Apollo doen't even end up resolving the case, it's ended with the jury system we just heard about without seeing anything thoughout the whole case. It feels more like a deus ex machina than a resolution and no, adding a plot twist about his origins just at the end of the game doesn't make it a good case.

That's about everything I had to say about the game, it doesn't look like it with how I wrote my review but I still enjoyed the game, it's a decent AA game but it doesn't deliver any of his promises by being a real legacy game.

Reviewed on Feb 13, 2024
