[Note: This is Vanilla Fallout 4 with no Mods added]

I decided to approach this game with a roleplaying focus of being a slimebag bootlicker; Looking for the right authority figure to follow to replace the US Military my character once served. My big gripe with Fallout 4, is that it feels like it doesn't want you to roleplay as anyone other than an idealized heroic badass with occasional snarky behavior. Not to mention the added voice lines for the MC creates less options for dialogue, and the voice itself doesn't fit how I imagined my character would sound.

The actual shooting and movement in the game feels fine. In fact I can understand how people can simply vibe with walking around in the wasteland. There are more than a few glitches and camera wonkyness that Bethesda games are infamous for that were occasionally funny, but usually got on my nerves.

Following the Brotherhood of Steel path, I was displeased that the game reused plot elements from Fallout 3 that I already found annoying back then. It felt like Bethesda was coasting on nostalgia in the hopes you would see the game to completion.

Hopefully when Fallout 5 comes out in 2040, the game will provide more opportunities to role play in its vanilla release instead of forcing me to play as one specific kind of guy.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2023
