I've flip flopped on my ranking of this game many times for various reasons. But after my last replay, I am setting in stone that normie take or not, this is my favorite game in the series.
Yes, the combat/difficulty is hilariously incompetent, which was the main thing holding it back for me before now, but honestly it's just one blemish on an otherwise amazing game. When it comes to gameplay, the map design is great (only topped by Aria and Dawn of Sorrow) and the movement mechanics are not only the best in the series but the best in the entire genre as far as I'm concerned. As for the rest of the game, it's a visual masterpiece with one of the greatest soundtracks in the entire medium of video games. Outside of the combat, this game perfectly appeals to why I personally love this series more than any of them.
Ecclesia, Dawn, the original Castlevania 1, I fully believe these are all better games. But I am satisfied saying that SotN is my personal favorite.

Reviewed on Nov 08, 2022
