New Leaf is undoubtedly better in every way, and that game remains the peak of the series in my opinion - but there's something so magnetic about Wild World that I will emulate it on everything I own just to hear that gorgeous title music one more time. It is a time capsule. Wild World is the last days of my pre-teen years, nights spent under LCD illuminated blankets and days spent in the back of a car. It is my favourite, and that is solely based on what it means to me.

To mark it as retired is such a strange finality to me; I usually roll my eyes at sentimentality online, because I often feel like it's performative or melodramatic. Here we are, then. I've been going back through a lot of games I grew up playing, and Wild World ended up being the last one I got to. It's a lot like coming home, but knowing that you're going to leave again soon without feeling upset about it.

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2023
