I really don't know what I was doing with my life when I stubbornly decided to not only finish, but to platinum, this game, when it really isn't very good at all. It's actually pretty terrible in almost every way.

What sucked me in and made me enjoy the game to begin with was that this is one of those highly technical japanese nerd games that offer a million mechanics to dig into, and also has some roguelike influence, not necessarily in the whole permadeath aspect, but in other details. You can level up your character and your weapons in many different ways and there's lots of loots and various little mechanics to tinker with, which is my kind of game and why I even continued this game past one of the worst introductions I've ever seen. The game begins with an enormously condescending, longwinded and poorly written tutorial that goes over incredibly inane details like how switches work, but forgets to teach you the game's unique mechanics and I almost rage quit the game before it began, but then it gets better as you're allowed to start adventuring, before it gets much worse again.

I will say two final positive things before I begin the negative rant: this game has an actual, true banger soundtrack, and it has a really fun and interesting idea for the core combat. The music is just your typical "quirky J-RPG/anime" style soundtrack with lots of accordion jams and such, but it's just really damn good. Whoever composed for this game is really slumming it and if they haven't moved onto bigger and better things in the decade since this game was made, that is some kind of crime against music. The interesting combat quirk is that you can equip and mix and match up to five weapons, which allows you to create free-form combos where you might slot a fast weapon in slot 1, a medium speed one in slot 2 and then finishing with a heavy blow in slot 3. You get the idea and it's a simple but very neat and fun system.

That's it. That's all the praise I can give this game, because everything else just kind of sucks. The inventory system is a flashback to, like, 1984 and the game isn't capable of stacking items, so those 250 Fool's Rock will have to be manually scrolled-by every time you want to look at the things lower in the inventory sorting. And, yes, you have to sell them one by one whenever you need to empty your miniscule inventory. The combat never really amounts to anything beyond the basic neat idea. The game is still just a hollow button-masher due to how enemy attack patterns work, which is just a nice way for me to say that the enemy/attack design is completely pathetic. Some of the worst I've ever seen. Probably actually the worst boss gallery I've seen with absolutely miserable designs. All you do in this game is slam the attack button like you're trying to win one of those mashing minigames in Mario Party, because not only are the enemy attack patterns pathetic, the game has the strangets visual sludge I think I've ever seen in that when you strike an enemy, the game pops up the damage number, the worst "(In)effective!" to indicate if you're hitting with the right element, a "CRITICAL!" banner if you crit, an extremely superfluous icon that shows you what kind of element damage you just did (yes, very redundant with the aforementioned other indicator) and, because the dves realized that this is too much sludge and that you can't see your tiny little knight behind all of this text, they decided to make it worse by also having an icon indicating that an enemy is about to attack. This makes the combat just completely clumsy and stupid. There is no tight dodging because you can't see jack shit of what's happening so all you do is hammer that attack button while randomly dodging, hoping that you end up succeeding. The absolute worst visual mistake is a completely baffling one that I just can't figure out how it happened; the graphics are too tall. As in the trees and walls and houses and whatever else that surround your tiny little 2-foot knight are just too tall, which doesn't work with the size of your character and the camera angle. Not only is your battle blocked by a million "CRITICAL! pop-ups and such, there's also a giant-ass tree covering your line of sight no matter how you spin the camera. Because you're in a forest and every tree is way too tall. It's such a mystifying and bizarre mistake to make. How does that make it past the earliest alpha phase without anyone on the dev team noticing that this just does not work?

I could do on, and I actually wrote a list of bullet points of things that suck or are just plain stupid in this game, and that list is actually like 5 times longer than this review, but I'm not going to bore you with all of that and will just say that the list of dumb mistakes like the above just keeps going and it affects every single aspect of this game. Outside of the banger soundtrack, there is nothing here that isn't stupid or frustrating. I'm not exaggerating or being a hater; literally everything here either kind of sucks or completely sucks. Let's not even get into how this script has that edgy 00's internet humor with, for example, the titular witch calling all of her rival witches "whores" as often as she can, as well as making rape jokes and shit. It vibes like 4chan incels on Discord trying to impress other 4chan incels with their edgy and dark sense of humor and, if you think this script is brilliant, you should maybe ask yourself if this has something to do with the fact that you can't find a girlfriend. I would've said "or boyfriend", but we all know that isn't relevant here. If I haven't been clear so far, let me finish by saying that while I tortured myself through this game, I fucking hated it and will tell everyone that shows any interest in it to stay as far away as possible. This game is absolute trash and only delusional weebs will be able to tell themselves that it isn't.

Reviewed on Oct 18, 2022


1 year ago

Holy filtered. Imagine complaining about shitty tryhard dialogue with Borderlands 2 in the favorites.

1 year ago

aint NOOOOOOOO way the borderlands fan is saying a WORD about dialogue 💀

1 year ago

There is some fantastic irony in the anime avatars being offended by that final paragraph. All you're doing by getting mad is proving my point.

1 year ago

and that use of the word "irony" is hard proof that you really are a borderlands fan.

1 year ago

Stay mad, bro. If you just play enough waifu games, I'm sure a girlfriend will eventually materialize for you.

1 year ago

I need you to name three brands of toothpaste off the top of your head. Do not open Google; you can lie to me but you cannot lie to yourself.

1 year ago

the funniest aspect of this review is that you're complaining about the vulgar and juvenile script with a naively sexist and homophobic retort that i'd expect to come from someone who thought the first seasons of south park were funny because they had poop jokes

try not to throw too many stones in your glass house, or take too many arrows to the knee, borderlands 2 fan

1 year ago

OP I wouldn't really try and blast "anime avatars" when one of your favorites, Bloodborne (and all of the souls games) take influence from Berserk, Saint Seiya, and Angels egg. Not to mention the composer for Dark Souls is one of the most prolific JRPG/Weeb composers in the business.

Not saying you have to like the game, but you should have some awarness of the things you do like.
convinced the game is good now because of this review
You got the usual mfers seething so good review

1 year ago

rare Slime W post

1 year ago

If reyn agreed with me like that on my review I'd delete it and issue a public apology

Do the needful, hexxDOOFUS
This comment was deleted
Well if you insist
@TheRealBigC what the fuck do you mean rare