Ocarina of Time is a great adventure that can still be enjoyed by those of us who missed it's original release, all thanks to this remake. The visual improvements and gameplay enhancements do a great deal to make the game feel less dated and clunky than the N64 version.

My number one con against it is that the movement is not fun for a game about getting lost and finding your way through an open world. The game provides you with some set warps and a horse you can use in a very limited amount of spaces, yet going from point A to B is always tedious.
It also suffers from some obtuse issues that can leave you wondering around trying to find what to do (e.g. entering an area from a warp not triggering a cutscene, not standing in the right spot even though you did the same action two steps away).

Overall I had a lot of fun beating this gaming classic, and I can see why it has become as beloved as it is today.

It's difficult to rank a game that has lived as long as TF2. As much as the game has changed in the almost two decades since it release, it's core gameplay and community remain extremely close to what it always was. Although I don't welcome every change and update that has been made to the game, there is no doubt in my mind that TF2 remains one of the most outright fun games that have ever been created.
It's gameplay doesn't get old and it's charm still oozes out of every single corner of it's world and characters.

It is one of the greatest games ever made, and I doubt there will ever be anything like it again.

It has little to nothing to do with poker or gambling, yet it's still addictive like crack cocaine. It presents you with a simple set of rules and asks you to break them any way you can. Pure fun.