This game will stick with me for a while.
Gris is a unique experience. The music is beautiful and alive, it changes so naturally throughout the game that the whole ost sounds like one single big track. Music and aesthetics are fused and work perfectly togheter. The game looks incredible, and the style never gets old; every time you find a new color the world expands and looks even better.
At first I thought that the aesthetic and music was all it had to offer, but despite being a brief experience, it has some neat platforming ideas, that are never exploited so much they get boring. It's not the most complex game mechanically, and it's never a challenge (that's not what it's supposed to be probably), but it does its job very good.
I've got to admit that I understood what the game was about just at the end, and understanding what it was trying to tell me did change my opinion on it. The message is not really complicated but it hits you hard.
It's probably more an artistic experience than a game, but a great one at that.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2023

1 Comment

11 months ago

but where Is the scream of sium?