This game has some of the best pixel art I've seen; The backgrounds are full of details and colors, and the characters are remarkably expressive.

The story, however, wasn't up to par with the game's presentation. Notably, it felt like the story was at odds with the gameplay style, as it was being told using long segments of lore dump that halted the gameplay's pace.

This game boasts solid smooth controls, making for fun, fast-paced movement and combat. Boss battles, and combat in general, were undoubtedly the highlights of the experience.

Lastly, the game had absolutely no reason whatsoever to be a Metroidvania. The interconnected map does not add anything to the experience and the ability progression-a defining feature of the genre- is underdeveloped, as you barely acquire any useful or significant ability beyond one or two. I would go one step further and say that the game would be significantly improved if it were a linear, straightforward run'n'gun (or even a 2D platformer, but the platforming didn't stand out that much so it's better to focus squarely on its strong suits).

All in all, it's a good experience with few good, some bad, and a ton of wasted potential.

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2023
