This is one of those titles that I find difficult to call "bad" but also don't have a ton of praise to shower it with either. Story and characters here are less than remarkable, the setup ends up being a rather cookie cutter "hero must defeat X bad people" and every character is super one-note.

The focus here is clearly the gameplay, which is a unique concept that I genuinely had fun with. Everything in the world moves to the beat and thus your actions are also expected to be on beat, whether it be jumping, dashing, attacking, etc. There were many moments where I felt like I was syncing up to the (pretty good) soundtrack perfectly which was super satisfying.

However, beyond that the rest of the gameplay is gimmicky and clunky. Any non-combat sections are painfully slow and just consist of walking around, jumping, and occasionally having to summon one of your companions to do one of the like 2 things they can do, none of which are really fun to do. Some enemy designs shoehorn you into needing to do specific actions to take them out which just feels braindead, and overall combat just got a little stale sometimes.

If it sounds like I'm being really hard on this game, that's mainly because the vast majority of reception is critical acclaim so I was somewhat disappointed with the experience. I still rated it above average as the game has great moments, but I don't thing anything about it is spectacular.

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2023
