A Blast of the past as some say. Fucking amazing game (with some nitpicks on the side)
the Movement and physics are so fun to play with, i got lost multiple times while playing and couldnt stop cause of how fluid the game feels. I think this is better than Mario 64 in the movement and moveset department. a Moveset so good that i could clear parts that i usually couldnt without a certain move, but i could cause i was so persisten.
Very light on story, hell i didnt even know it has a proper story i was just playing the game.
the only 2 nitpicks i have are that i got lost very Very easily, i know a map was added in a recent update and while that helped a lot, i think a Mini-Map and location marker for the map couldve gone a long way.
Sybil is a cool character design and i want to SEX!

Get this game if your reading this and havent bought it. Its more than worth your time and Underpriced imo

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
