My partner played this once two years ago and still wakes up screaming about it in the middle of the night.

Thanks, Soldam.

Don't judge this book by its cover. In-game drawn art is cute and has an Adventure Time-like charm to it.

Didn't play this for long, but I was surprised how smooth the combat felt. Each character had a unique playstyle that I could wrap my head around.

Keep grinding, Provincia!

Half a star for sick throwback UI.

Beyond that, utterly incomprehensible.

Very much a love letter to Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. As someone who grew up with FFMQ, this was a nice little tribute.

Man the food looks good/weird. I just wish there was a game here.

I love so much about the presentation of this game. Great art style and eye for framing/composition.

It's absolutely just a Punch-Out, but since Nintendo ain't making them anymore, you could do a lot worse.

Everything in this game makes a phenomenal noise.

Great visual language and solid stealth mechanics. Gauntlet near the end is brutal, but doesn't ruin the experience.

Kiryu: exists
Akame: J̵̢̧͠Ō̷̲̖͚R̷͙̭̬̱͒Y̸̯̚U̴͚͇͐

As a long-time fan of the SCP Foundation wiki, I can't help but wonder what wiki authors think of the praise Control gets for its "unique" setting. Don't get me wrong - Remedy presents a polished take on the surreal SCP-like atmosphere. Combined with the studio's bespoke style of haunting storytelling, Control's setting and vibe is one of the best in AAA gaming.

But, y'know, could this game have been made if the SCP Foundation wiki was a privately-protected IP? I doubt it, and it's hard to shake that feeling. Like a little gnat hovering around your ear.

Either way, Control a must-play in my book for the vibes alone, despite AND because of its borrowed ideas.