This game is entirely too hard.

The stage 4 boss in particular is an absolute mess. The guy moves around too fast, is way too unpredictable, and is extremely hard to consistently dodge. Not to mention finding an opportunity to attack isn't easy. And this is after one of the longest stages in the game, and if you die, you have to redo it!

And then the final boss isn't really any better. The boss is at least a bit easier, since the AI is easier to predict, but the stage prior is even longer and hard enough that I couldn't even consistently get through it, let alone with enough health to be able to realistically challenge the final boss.

And all this is made worse by the fact that it REALLY felt like the game refused to accept jump inputs half the time. Plus, jumping down is extremely annoying since Down + Jump makes you do a slide. That's more a fault of the NES controller having very few buttons though I guess.

Also, the enemies in the game had this nasty tendency to walk down below the bottom barrier on the screen, so you couldn't reach or attack them. And in some cases, they could still attack you if you're close. It's just really annoying to deal with.

Anyways, most of the stages weren't that bad. There were some interesting ideas, and it wasn't that hard to get through most of them, until that one part of stage 4 and the final stage. The music and graphics are good, but with how unresponsive the game's controls feel and the difficulty level, this ends up being a pretty annoying game.

Reviewed on Sep 12, 2023
