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"False dichotomy the video game" is how I always refer to this game. The premise of the game's plot is that you play as Vincent, a sheepish coward of a man who is engaged to a woman named Katherine-with-a-K. One night while at the bar you frequent nightly with your friends, you meet a girl named Catherine-with-a-C, and end up cheating on your fiancé with her. This becomes a regular thing, and the central conflict of the game is making binary choices that decide who you'll end up with. The whole game is broken into two distinct sections. While you're awake you are at a bar with your friends, and this is where all of the story bits happen, talking with everyone there. While you're asleep you are trapped in a nightmare realm in which some monster representing Vincent's relationship fear of the night is tormenting him, and he must do a block moving puzzle game to escape death. The two stars I am giving this game are because the puzzle sections are genuinely good, and if that was all this game was I would love it.

Unfortunately, this game has Things It Wants To Say™ and those things are pretty horrible. At the end of each puzzle section you are put into a confession booth and given a series of false dichotomy questions to answer. The one that always stuck out to me was "Does life begin or end after marriage?" To answer this question honestly in either direction is equally cynical, marriage can be a part of life, but it is neither the beginning nor the end of it. During one of the the bar segments I also remember a patron asking a similarly asinine false dichotomy question, "Who do you hate more, men or women?" These are the two examples that stick out most in my memory, but every question the game throws at you is like this.

The reason every choice in the game is framed this way is because the game has an extremely sexist assumption at its core. I suppose if I were to apply a more feminist framework to my dubbing of the game as "false dichotomy the game" I could instead give it the moniker of "virgin-whore dichotomy the game." You see, each of the two options of every question you've been answering falls into one of two categories, "freedom" or "order", and each of these ideas are represented by Catherine and Katherine respectively. There is zero room for grey here, if your answers were too close to a 50/50 split throughout the game, Vincent ends up alone as he can't decide what he wants. If you choose "Order" you end up with Katherine, who the game frames as mature, dull, and controlling, but stable. And if you choose "Freedom" you end up with Catherine, who the game frames as infantile, sexy, and exciting, yet erratic. You cannot be free with Katherine, and you cannot have order with Catherine, according to the game you must choose, virgin or whore. If you think I'm being too harsh, here is the pièce de résistance: in a final twist at the end of the game it is revealed that Catherine is literally a succubus.

And on top of all of this sexist garbage, they also decided to throw in a trans character just to treat her transness as a Cool Bit of Lore™ that you can find out about if you pick up on hints, or get this, if you see them deadname the character in the credits. This is the only Atlus game I've played and apparently queerphobia and transphobia are trends in their games, and it's the one thing that makes me hesitant to get into any of their other works. After all of this, I'm not quite sure how I can end this review with anything other than a resounding "fuuuuuuck this!"

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2021


3 years ago

Queerphobia and transphobia isn't a staple of Atlus games. Just Katsura Hashino games, who is unfortunately the most well-known name working there besides maybe Shoji Meguro.

3 years ago

looks up what Katsura Hashino has worked on Soooooo...basically everything except the first two Persona games?

3 years ago

And the numbered SMT games that aren't Nocturne?

3 years ago

Well yeah, but those are the good persona games, they even have good queer representation in them and write women like actual people. Plus, his queerphobia doesn't really show up in any nonpersona/catherine games he's worked on in my experience, especially since he's only a producer for some of them. like I'd highly recommend the first three persona games, they're very good, and if you don't want to deal with Hashino's bs, skip the newest 3 persona games and then try a different SMT series, or like trauma center or Odin Sphere something like that, the queerphobia and transphobia only really show up in Catherine and Persona 3/4/5
Basically an "are you a carrie/miranda/charlotte/samantha" buzzfeed quiz for channer weebs, but instead of "which of these satirical and kinda goofy ciphers for different neuroses and fantasies about compulsory heterosexuality that modern women grapple with do you relate to more" it's "which inherently destructive literal femdemon would you rather project your own failings onto and hatefuck"

3 years ago

FWIW, I would say if you wanted to play some other Atlus games, Catherine feels by far the worst about it. Persona 3 has one really bad scene, but it isn't all that bad aside from it, although said scene is really bad and I wish was just cut out since it is meaningless to the plot. When it comes to writing in pretty much all respects, Catherine is the nadir of Atlus writing imo.

3 years ago

That's a pretty good guide to their games, thanks! Honestly though I'm interested in them, it'll probably be a while before I ever get to them just because there are entirely too many games in this world. Also, I never even realized that Trauma Center was an Atlus game! I know Vanillaware has always gotten pretty high praise and I always kind of considered them their own thing since I believe Atlus is just their publisher? I'm more interested in 13 Sentinals because it has an interesting premise to its story, less interested in the 2d beat 'em up games.

3 years ago

Oh I haven't read the latest two comments but my last one was @Ninjabunny lol

3 years ago

@PansyDragoonSaga Yeah it's pretty bad!!!

@FrozenRoy Yeah, I would be very surprised if it got worse than Catherine. The reason I hadn't written off their other games entirely is because I knew that while the queerphobia and transphobia were super bad and present, they were also fairly minor aspects of the games as a whole. But their presence was also kind of a red flag that makes me wonder how good the games other politics are, and if they're just one of those JRPGs people love for the visuals and other assorted anime nonsense.

3 years ago

@Hot_Anarcocoa I can definitely say that, at least in my opinion as a far left bisexual, Persona 3's politics are largely good, although some take a while to develop. It's a very interesting game about finding meaning in life against the inevitability of death and what that means, alongside a lot of other things. You also can date another girl in Persona 3 Portable, although I prefer Persona 3: FES due to having more story, cutscenes and features. Persona 4 might not be as your speed, but I'd say it is MOSTLY good but has more obvious missteps than Persona 3, but obviously stuff Yosuke says is problematic, but at the same time the themes about inner conflict and the world trying to suppress your inner self has obvious appeal, and I'd say the killer of the game has a lot of relevancy today (intentional or not, it's obvious in showing the evil head of a fucked up incel type). I would avoid Persona 4: Golden and get the original Persona 4 is possible as I feel Golden is worse in these regards.

And I haven't played Persona 5, so I can't comment on that one. And, of course, I'm only one person and not the ultimate authority on these stories, so.

3 years ago

@FrozenRoy Good summary. If I ever get around to playing the Persona games, I'd probably do it in order, especially since the first two have less problematic elements, and then just keep going and jump off if I ever felt like it got too bad to ignore.

3 years ago

@Hot_Anarcocoa Good idea! And good review, too. Have a good time~

3 years ago

I have played P5, so I can say that you will most likely hate P5. P5 definitely has the worst politics out of every Persona game, and just sort of completely doesn't understand the point of what the Persona series had become at that point. Plus, unlike Persona 3's one bad scene, Persona 5 has multiple queerphobic scenes, it even has a queerphobic running gag. Persona 5 is the only persona game that is "just one of those JRPGs people love for the visuals and other assorted anime nonsense"

3 years ago

@Ninjabunny Damn, that's a shame because I really do dig the aesthetics of Persona 5 from what I've seen of them, but ya gotta have that writing to back it up!

3 years ago

Gonna be honest my love for this game is like:
- I legit think the block pushing is insanely good and one of the most addictive puzzle games I've ever played
- It has so much charm in its presentation
- The gameplay loop from bar -> nightmare -> bar -> nightmare is incredible (much like modern Persona gameplay loops)
- I love the idea of just playing as some worthless guy drinking hard and shooting the shit with his equally unlikeable friends
- I first played it when I was like 13 LOL (I still have an absolute blast on replays though)

I can't disagree with what people have said about the writing. Personally always saw Katherine as pretty sympathetic but I'm unsure with how much the game actually means to portray her in that light.
Also disagree with the idea that the trans character is thrown in as just some dumb lore detail or whatever. It's worse than that lol. The game says that she gets the nightmares too. You know, the ones only men get

Persona 4/5 have fairly messy writing but I think they have aspects of good in there and that not all of the queerphobia is intended? Not really elaborating on that and there is definitely undefendable shit in there. Though as an example, like:
"but obviously stuff Yosuke says is problematic"
Yosuke is a dumb teen, the game outright shows him hurting Kanji's feelings. There's scrapped dialogue from the game indicating that he repressed and was struggling through that shit himself. Ofc it not actually being used in the game makes this a moot point... but I think there were good intentions in there somewhere, at some point

3 years ago

@turdl3 Oh god I forgot that she has the dreams too, yeah that's definitely worse...I'm not really against the idea of a game with the premise of playing as a trash man who has to deal with all his cheating and other relationship insecurities, that premise was one of the main reasons I got the game. My issue is that the game is clearly not up to the task of tackling that subject matter, as in the end, you are meant to identify with the trash man and the women are sexist caricatures for you to choose between. You never really have to confront any of Vincent's shit in any meaningful way, it's all set dressing for you to play a neat puzzle game and choose your anime waifu. I like the bar -> nightmare -> bar structure in concept but obviously in practice I hate everything about the bar segments because that's where the terrible writing happens. I think JRPGs in general are overly-reliant on how well they can present what is ultimately a shallow narrative experience, reliant on overdone tropes or in this case just god awful writing. Like, yes the visual are gorgeous, the soundtrack is nice, etc. but at the end of the day if none of it coalesces into an experience that meant something then I'd rather spend my time elsewhere.

3 years ago

Realising between this and the Xeno 2 review thread my thing on here is just being apologetic towards badly written games LMAO. Fr that block pushing is so good that it started like an entire EVO side-event with people playing it like a fighting game for years. Can't have that without the side helping of transphobia I guess

3 years ago

seeing reviews like this and xenoblade makes me wonder if i'm better off just playing the games that don't tackle any real subject matter in any meaningful way like pac-man so i don't end up diving into controversies about problematic portrayals.

3 years ago

@turdl3 I mean, like I said in my review, if the game was only the puzzles I would love it, 'cause the puzzles slap.

@mellorine Clearly you should just play the games I, the arbiter of good writing, enjoy ;)

3 years ago

@turdl3 I'm not necessarily saying it's awful (or even that problematic writing exist), my Persona 4 rating is pretty high, but given the question was about content and about playing future Atlus games it feels worth noting.

3 years ago

^ yea that's completely fair, I didn't mean to single you out or anything and wouldn't disagree with a statement that said P4 has some questionable stuff anyway. It's def worth noting