When Bastion was first released on Xbox Live Arcade, it was the first indie game that made me go "huh, this is a small little $15 dollar game, and it's one of my favorite games of all time." Now here I am, and the majority of my favorite games are all indies. This is a top down hack n' slash with a gorgeous art style, where the world forms around you as you journey on. This game has a really clever solution to the "how to account for minor player actions narratively" problem, and that's with the incredibly voiced narrator character who will comment on something as small as your decision to linger in an area to break boxes, and make that feel like an important part of your narrative. This is up there among the greatest video game soundtracks I've ever heard, and a few of the songs are really well incorporated into the themes and overall story of the game. Speaking of story, this is a well told story about prejudice, and learning to live with and learn from your mistakes. It's not the most complicated story in the world, but there's an emotional weight to it that I really liked.

Reviewed on Jun 03, 2021
