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While I can attest to other RPGs from the era that appeal to me on a more fundamental level, be it aesthetically, interactively or thematically; I can scarcely think of many that are as consistently solid as Final Fantasy VI. For the time, you can hardly find other games with such a well-rounded and fun cast or with such breathtaking sprite work. One thing you definitely won't find in any other game, both then and now, is Nobuo Uematsu's 16-bit soundtrack masterpiece which elevates the whole experience to a new level.

Despite some gameplay depth regression from Final Fantasy V due to the loss of the job system, the inclusion of Espers and Relics do help bridge the gap enough to make the game fun to play. Although, because of a lack of balance, it does admittedly suffer from certain parts being too frustratingly clunky or uninspiringly easy.