Whats Immediately apparent once beginning the Expanse are the bizarrely poor character designs and animations. The face shapes of everyone very to the verge of not resembling the same species. And for a game with such an emphasis on traversal comparatively to other Telltale titles the awkward animations, (particularly how Summers walks), needed to be refined. Dialogue is horrendous, resorting to the use of the word "fuck" repeatedly to infer any resemblence of emotional resonance. Whats even worse is the delivery. Aside from Cox every voice actor gives an egregiously poor performance. Summers' bland and monotone voice serves as a barrier, making her already stale and one dimensional character impenetrable to relate with. Sadly these rather damning flaws pale in comparision to the Expanse's most cardinal sin...the removal of choice.

The slight emphasis on exploration and the freedom of movement is a refreshing change. This is the strongest influence Deck Nine brings to the title, and can be both rewarding and fun. But in no way, shape, or form should this have relegated the player's choice in shaping the narrative to the sideline like it does. The choice prompts have been reduced to merely 2 options, are extremely seldom, and the majority of said choices are the same option with different wording. A choose your path adventure without paths to choose....the few times you are allowed to make a difference have little to no consequence on shaping the story.

For developers of such high pedigree and with such a solid core in the source material, fans of the show and game studios should expect and deserve better.

Reviewed on Feb 11, 2024
