Honestly this game is terrible. After finishing the game I wanted to puke. Everything is so restricted and the transition between land and sky is a cutscene. A fucking cutscene. You have to be joking. The stick controls are a mess and the graphics leave so much to be desired, even for a Switch game.

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2022


1 year ago

Why did you finish a 20+ hour game that you weren't enjoying?

1 year ago

Yeah, this was one of the very last games I ever hate-played, back on the Wii in 2012, I definitely agree with the sentiment here. it's healthier to just sell it and move on to a game you actually dig, you know? Somewhat thankful that this game got me thinking about what I really dislike in games, though...

Also, ACTUALLY, the game's closer to 40+ hours. The padding is UNREAL in this one.

1 year ago

I used to play lots of games that I wasn't enjoying because of some misguided sentiment I had that "THIS GAME MUST HAVE VALUE! I WILL BECOME A TRULY ENLIGHTENED VIDEO GAME DESIGN ANALYSIS MAN IF I KEEP PLAYING IT!!!"... I never got a job relating to game design so now the years I spent hacking away at games I never would've liked turned out to be useless the whole time. Don't make my mistake, it's disrespectful to your own time, money, and effort, not to mention the game itself having to serve a dish to someone who doesn't like that food in the first place.