2 reviews liked by Hush838

i like RE's schlocky b-series vibe and this is what the game was aiming for, so it's pretty nice. the monster designs are also amazing.

also this is something that only happens like 3 times in the game but i really liked how in some parts you must fight enemies but there's no light source in the area (if you're in the dark for more than 4 seconds or so you die) so it forces you to find some candles in the scenery or whatever in order to be able to fight back against the creatures. that was neat

A very well done throwback to the classic Survival Horror formula. Limited saves, supply management, complex puzzles, fixed camera angles and a good amount of backtracking.

The story is very cliché and treads the line between Silent Hill and Resident Evil while lacking the humor and authenticity of the latter or the deep psychological horror of the former. It's VERY derivative and lacks personality.

Totally worth it for the gameplay, just don't expect to be blown away.