Seems a lot of the big reviews here for this one compare it favorably to Bayo 3 and as someone who liked Bayo 3 quite a bit I wouldn't say that. That said this is still a damn solid game in its own right. Presentation is really charming (the voice cast is incredible!) and I think they managed to pull off the Brothers, A Tale of Two Sons control scheme quite well. The puzzles and exploration are also well done but I did find exploring hampered by an extremely unhelpful map and a fast travel system with limitations that I swear were imposed mainly to pad out the game length which made this a real pain to go for 100% in. The combat I'm rather mixed on - I get the idea behind having Cereza focus exclusively on binding enemies to avoid too much mental overload controlling both characters at once, but often this just led to me circle strafing with her and holding ZL while Cheshire does all the real work. All in all this was still a very charming game and I hope to see more stuff like this come out of Platinum as despite liking Bayo 3 quite a bit you can tell that they are having some big scope creep issues in a lot of their larger, more "AAA" titles of late.

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2023


I was also pretty puzzled by all the favourable comparisons with 3 that you've mentioned. It and Origins are mutually beneficial to each other if anything.
@ProudLittleSeal Yeah agreed, especially with the post game story, I think they tie into each other well! Platinum seems pretty obsessed with the idea of controlling two characters at once lately so I think it was cool to see how the idea was approached in these two separate genres as well