I honestly wish I played this version before the DS version because in short, I prefer the DS version more. Not that this was a bad game by any means, on the contrary I think it's a solid entry in the franchise, but I feel like the DS version is the better way to go for this one. I have two main critiques that bring the game a bit down for me. First of all, while the 3D sections are strong and very fun, the 2D sections are really stiff and slow paced. There are many points where the game goes from a fast paced segment to a slow waiting based segment where you need to hit switches to make obstacles move or stand on a slowly moving platform while waiting for it to get to the other side. Second, the levels feel way too short for something like Sonic. In fact, there wasn't really a lot of 3D in this game, sort of felt like the 2D was more of the focus. That wouldn't be too much of a problem if the platforming and camera's felt stiff. I like how Sonic Unleashed handled 2D segments, where they would constantly switch back and forth but also incorporate the fast paced speeds into the platforming rather than forcing the player to come to a complete stop in order to do some vertical platforming. Other than that, very solid game with a great soundtrack, unique environments, and a great mechanic with the Wisps. I like how Wisps make the Boost formula feel more controlled unlike other games where you can Boost to win. The comedy didn't really age well but it doesn't take away too much from the game. Overall, while a safe entry in the series with some flaws, it still holds up to this day and provides a good amount of fun for how short it is to complete (~4 hours).

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2023
