I don't have too much to say about this game except, "yeah, it was good." I had a lot of fun playing it, but the main gimmick to me isn't really anything too special and as such I don't think it really merits adding lots of points to it. However, the level design is pretty good and the new copy abilities are pretty fun to use like Animal and Bubble are pretty interesting, though I don't really like Metal. I also didn't realize there was mixed copy abilities until verifying those copy abilities came from this game, but there's not really many. That's still a pretty cool idea though, shame I never figured I could do that. Anyway, the touch screen holding items is pretty neat, though I don't find myself using it too often. There was always the mixing of items to make newer stuff but I honestly forgot about it except for 1-ups. The other gimmick is the Squeaks and the treasure chests. Due to how many items you can carry in the bottom screen, the treasure chests become sort of a hinderance for me. The Squeaks are pretty interesting though and there's times where I like fighting them for the treasure, though some instances felt a little unfair for me as I'm playing for the first time. The collectables are pretty cool too, I like being able to have extra things like the jukebox and changing Kirby's colour. Overall, I would say this is a pretty decent and fun game that I was able to quickly beat and try out for the first time.

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2023
