This review will only focus on Master Ninja difficulty

Having played the vanilla version of NG2 a ton and having heard a lot about Sigma 2, I decided to check it out for myself to see if the game was really that bad. The tl;dr version is: the game is good but there are also tons of problems that hold it back quite a bit.

The best thing about NG2 for me are the weapons. They are a lot (8 of them), have expansive movesets and tons of personality between them while still remaining familiar thanks to some shared inputs and Ryu’s base moveset. I still have to play an action game that has weapons this varied, numerous, dense, powerful but yet not overly complex to learn and understand.
Sigma 2 uses NG2 as a base, so the weapons are basically unchanged, which is great news. This means that the best aspect of the game is still there, and that alone would make the game at least decent and worth playing. How does the rest of the game stack up? The answer is good, but also eh. Team Ninja had the difficult task of retooling NG2 to run on the PS3, while also ironing out some flaws (of which there were many, let’s not kid ourselves), so it was inevitable that the enemy count would take a big hit. Enemy numbers return to the ones seen in NGB, and that isn’t necessarily bad. The problem is that NG2 is balanced around being able to kill almost every enemy in two moves or less (thanks to the abundance of moves that consistently delimb, Obliteration Techniques, Ultimate Techniques and some instakill moves), and that isn’t gone in Sigma 2. While completely changing the encounter philosophy of an action without changing the underline mechanics is a flawed idea, it can still produce an interesting result, but it depends on the execution. So, you have fewer enemies that still die fast, which means that the game would be dramatically easier. How did they go about it? Mainly with two big changes.

The first is the introduction of special enemies that have dramatically more health, are a lot more resistant to delimbing and dodge to an annoying degree. These, for example, include the Incendiary Shuriken Ninjas (which didn’t behave like this in the OG, and now also throw a lot less IS at you), some recolored enemies, the Robot Dolls etc. This is a very artificial way of creating enemy tiers and the way they went about it is pretty boring an annoying, to the point that you will just not bother with them at all and will just use the most effective way of taking them down quickly (like using the Kusarigama grab, which is a guaranteed delimb, or UTs), since other combos don’t work as well and take a lot longer to kill. Enemy design is still very good regardless and remains one of the best in the genre, with a good variety of enemy types and sub-types that are very different from each other, a big moveset for most of them and a strong bloodlust for Ryu while also not falling in the trap of being gimmicky (which has to be expected since they are the same as Vanilla 2).

The second way they increased the challenge is a damage buff to certain enemies and attacks. For comparison, NG2 also had some lethal enemy attacks, but those were either the result of poor programming (like the Red Gaja tail slam connecting three times instead of one) or suicide grab attacks which you had to expect from a delimbed Ninja. Now all the high tier enemies do insane damage and every single grab in the game has the potential to one shot you. There are certain grabs (especially from bosses) which cannot be survived at all. What this means is that the battles are very one sided, with you destroying everything with ease while taking little damage, just to die at full health from a grab or a stray fireball.
The buff to the grab damage also had the side effect of making delimbed Ninjas a lot less threatening. Delimbs are devastating against Ninjas because they drastically reduce their mobility, at the cost of making them more dangerous when up close, since they gain some new grabs that are a lot more lethal, but this simply doesn't matter if every grab one shot kills you anyway. Granted, with the lower enemy count delimbs only serve as a way of quickly dispatching enemies rather than a method of corrupting the spawn pools or to create a quick source of iframes (since Obliteration Techniques that can be performed on delimbed enemies are fully invincible), so the more damaging grabs aren't as destructive to the balance of the game as they would otherwise be, yet it's still one more element that they manage to spoil.

I suspect that these measures were put in because the health regen mechanic from the OG is still here and even stronger (you now retain 75% of the health you lost after a battle instead of 50%) and because the health you get from blue orbs dropped from the enemies has been increased. It would have been better to cut the health regen after a battle and to scale the damage accordingly, because this one-shot bullshit makes the game feel as jank as the OG sometimes.

The damage boost described above also applies to bosses, which make them also feel awful (even worse than they already were), but they also got a sizeable health boost on top of that, meaning that bosses are objectively harder here than in the OG, and that wasn’t really needed all things considered. Sure, some of them don’t have other enemies with them in the arena anymore, but those bosses were few in the OG in the first place, so this change doesn’t make up for the increased health and damage. Now boss battles are a grueling endurance test which can end in a split second unless you have a Talisman of Rebirth.

The problem with the tanky enemies and the damage boost they get isn't that they are lame conceptually (even though they are), but that they don't counter what makes Ryu OP in the first place. NG2 Ryu is a beast, one of the most powerful action game characters ever (not in the powerscaling sense but in the gameplay sense). He's capable of being invulnerable for several seconds, killing almost every enemy in two moves, has top tier mobility and versatility. To answer these Team Ninja should have worked on creating smart enemy encounters with the limited number of enemies the PS3 could handle, maybe even mixing different enemy types since that's one of the things the Vanilla game doesn't do. Instead they went for the easier and lamer route, with encounters that are mostly the same but with half the enemies.

Truth be told, these aren’t even the only problems with Sigma 2. One of the biggest is that you get 3 new chapters to play, in which you use a new character for each one (the girls Ayane, Momiji and Rachel) and, to put it simply, these new characters suck. They are too weak (for both damage and delimb potential), only two of them have a Guillotine Throw (which normally would be a pretty important move but the version they have is weaker compared to Ryu), they don’t have Wind Run to do some effective crowd control, have a small moveset (with only one weapon) and only one Ninpo and one ranged weapon. The limitedness of their total moveset is bad, but what’s worse is that the encounters aren’t designed with it in mind since they get to face against some legitimately challenging encounters (coupled with scarce checkpoints and heals). The new chapters are some of the least fun I’ve had between NG2 and NGS2, and while the girls have some cute tools to play around with, they are underbaked and underpowered. If these chapters were cut from the game, it would only be a net positive.

Aside from these, there are also some smaller, but still significant problems with the game overall, like the fact that weapon upgrades can’t be bought anymore and are instead given out at certain shops for free one at a time. You can’t max out weapons until the 8th Ryu chapter (out of 14), where you could max out everything in Vanilla as soon as you had the money. This removes some cool resource management and also means that healing items are the only thing you can spend money on, so you’ll always have those maxed out, even in the early game, adding to the one sidedness I mentioned earlier.
The Scythe was nerfed for no reason compared to NG2, to the point where now it’s useless against bosses (where it used to shine but still had competition). This was probably done in order to shill the new Greatsword weapon, which has very similar functionalities to the old Scythe.
Tests of Valor were removed (arena battles with tons of enemies that gave you a reward at the end) but not replaced with anything else.
The Bow can’t be charged anymore, and Ryu can’t use Incendiary Shurikens (since they would have been OP against the new high tier enemies). The ranged weapons he has are lackluster in general. He only gets two which are a fast-shooting low power weapon and a slow-shooting high power weapon. Those used to be all baked into the Bow in NG2, which was a more elegant solution. The Windmill Shuriken was also cut.

Lastly, I’ll briefly comment on the side content. You get a Chapter Select mode that substitutes NG+ and the partial NG+ you got in the OG (the one where you start with everything unlocked but not upgraded). It’s a nice inclusion but it has weird damage scaling and it doesn’t scratch the same itch that NG+ did. Both should have been included.
Ninja Race is cute, probably the best “new” side content of Sigma 2. A mode where a timer is ticking down and you need to get to the end of the level while killing enough enemies to increase the timer. Content reuse is heavy here (since the levels are all story ones) but the challenge it presents is fun and it might be cool to optimize it and try different strats, but it sucks that you can only use a limited loadout (one melee weapon, one ranged weapon and one Ninpo). Guarantee they did this to not make the girls seem complete trash in comparison to Ryu. It would have also been nice to have different enemy comp compared to story mode and to choose the difficulty (instead of being locked in Warrior mode), but alas.
Tag Missions are pretty bad. Lots of the same missions as Vanilla 2 (which weren’t great to begin with) but with an AI partner and with limited loadout. They also cut what were the best missions in Vanilla, which were the Survival challenges and the 100 fiend challenges. Ultimate Ninja missions are a fun gimmick for hardcore ninjaheads but you’d be insane to bother with it considering that you can’t play online anymore.

There is other stuff I'd like to mention (like the fact that you can't unlock the camera anymore during bossfights) but if I were to list everything we’d be here all night, so let’s conclude by saying this.
I don’t dislike Sigma 2 because Team Ninja wanted a NG2 game for PS3 with a reduced enemy count. I actually enjoyed my time with the game. I’m just disappointed that this isn’t even the best version of a “nerfed” Ninja Gaiden 2 they could have made. The game also results in a lot less memorable experience overall, since they made the design more conventional but didn't add anything to compensate for the of the craziness of the OG. The heart and soul of NG2 are still here (weapons and enemy design) and because of that the game is still plenty enjoyable and even kinda challenging sometimes, but the edges have not been sanded out very well. Despite this, if this was the only way to experience NG2, it would have still been a good way to do it.

Completed Original Mode with both Reco and Palm.

This version resolves some of the issues I had with the original (1.5 version) Futari, mainly the character balance, which is better here (also due to the fact that there are only two of them) and the laughably easy stage 1 and 2, which have been decently buffed in this version. In fact, basically everything got buffed in this version, including the playable characters (since they are an amalgamation of their Normal and Abnormal counterparts from the OG Futari), and this leads to even crazier moments and more intensity. Patterns are more intense and enemy composition has been slightly altered to offer more variety. The scoring system also got better, since you need to change your shot type less (and an added sound cue to signal when you need to switch) and you are even more rewarded for playing aggressively. The only added problem is an increase in slowdown, which was already present enough in the regular version, and this makes certain stages feel a lot longer (even though it adds to the chaos mentioned earlier).
This will probably become the main version of the game for me.

This is the first proper arcade shmup that I played, just to to test things out. I completed Original, Maniac and Ultra Mode in Novice, and Original Mode 1.5 with Abnormal Palm, without caring for score outside of getting the two extends (so only did light scoring in the first two levels).

The main gimmick (if you can even call it that) of Mushihemisama Futari is bullet cancelling, which creates this rhythm of “oh shit I’m going to die” to having the screen cleared, without having to spend a bomb, multiple times per level (with stage 2, 3 and 4 especially). It rewards good routing and makes for some exhilarating moments. Aside from this, the structure of the levels leaves something to be desired. Stage 1 and 2 are absurdly easy, with bullet patterns that are slow and not that dense, and you can get away with bad routing as long as you are decent at dodging. Stage 3 picks up the pace, but you get a huge jump in difficulty starting from the second half (if you played it you know exactly the spot). Stage 4 is pretty good, but it relies too much on popcorn flanking you from the side. Seriously, that’s like 80% of the stage. S5 suffers from the same problem as S4 (plus being a tad too long), but it’s a lot more chaotic, which can be viewed as both a good and a bad thing depending on who you ask to.
Proper routing is important but a lot of the time you can just wing it and try some crazy dodge, adding to the chaotic nature of the game, coupled with the insane slowdown during the more crowded parts of a stage and a OST that accompanies the action well. The game is also decently generous with bombs, allowing you to skip a lot of harder parts. Some bullet patterns are varied and interesting to dodge, even if I was expecting something a bit more crazy, while lots of them are very straightforward, even from the bosses. For these reasons Mushi Futari isn’t that hard, but Original Mode still remains engaging and will likely take more than a few hours to get the 1CC.

You can choose between 4 ship types, but the balancing leaves a lot to be desired. The two best ones are Normal Reco and Abnormal Palm, with Normal Palm having a weak laser (that you also need to adjust by moving up or down) and Abnormal Reco having absurdly high movement speed while using the laser, but also requiring you to lock onto an enemy while lasering and the lock on range is very small, meaning that if you want to let go of laser to slow down you’ll also need to come back to the enemy at basically point blank range in order to do damage. This sort of dance can be engaging in its own right, but I prefer the straightforwardness of Abnormal Palm and his broken laser.
As for scoring goes, the one in Original Mode is pretty interesting, requiring you to use the appropriate shot based on how many gems you got, and killing enemies at close range.

Lastly I’ll talk about the M2 port of this game done for the X360, which has lots of features but falls short in a couple of key areas. Novice Mode might be useful for getting inexperienced players into the genre, but it’s way too easy. You get autobomb and double the amounts of bombs, while also nerfing the bullet patterns to an absurd degree. I managed to clear all 3 modes first try, without really learning anything about the game. It would have been nice to have an option to activate autobomb even in 1.5, but no such thing exists.
Practice Mode is also kinda barebones. It features stage select and boss select, but there are no savestates nor the possibility of starting the stage at any other point, so practicing certain sections becomes a pain.

As a beginner friendly arcade shmup you could do a lot worse. Even if the difficulty curve, level structure and ship types (and even bullet patterns to a degree) could be better, the game is a blast to play throughout thanks to bullet cancelling and the insanity that comes on screen. Coupled with the great visuals and a unique setting that isn’t just giant mechs, it’s hard not to like Mushi Futari, even if you’re just starting out with shmups.