I'll say it right off the bat. This shits on DQXI. I don't care what you say. This game is proof that older games are still (and/or) better than newer ones. This story is so damn good and the cast I love all of them!
Psyche mechanic is so damn busted and it's super fun to destroy annoying bosses. (Seriously fuck any boss who spams disruptive wave, the single worst move in the franchise)
Also Hero x Medea 4 life (sorry, not sorry Jessica and her fans, she maybe great and all but it isn't right to deny Medea of her childhood friend and love)

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

Even if I did like DQ XI, I will never understand what they were going for with pep. I know psyche up has it's own randomness when trying to achieve 100% tension, but gaining pep is just pure randomness apart from one single skill and a unnecessarily rare item.
At least with VIII when a disruptive wave hits you still have control in regaining tension, whereas your rolling the dice all over again in XI.