(this criticism of the game is not directed towards any oof my personal friends who play the game. Their opinion is theirs, and being rude to them just because they play a game would make me a bad friend. For instance, my friend KahuIsswag enjoys the game, and I'm not going to judge him for it. If you are offended by this review, then i'm sincerely sorry.)

Let's get this over with.
I personally dislike Fortnite and all it's seasons. And despite that statement, I can still recognise many great elements about the game that had the potential to be more than it was. For instance, the idea of the shrinking zone, which is a great device to use for building tension and elevating the game. And yes, there are certain aspects of the community that aren't toxic, childish or immature. However, I've just never caught onto the First and/or Third Person Shooter genre, and it doesn't help that Fortnite is one of the most overexposed and popular games of all time.
However, if I was reviewing this objectivally, then this would probably have an extra star. The gameplay is fine, although I doubt I'll really get anything out of it, since I don't really play FPS games. I can see (and have seen!) people getting a real kick out of the gameplay, which I simply just can't relate to.
As for the weaponry, I suppose that there are some creative and nifty designs for the guns, although sometimes they just come off as OP.
However, the elements of the game that I simply don't like are:
1. The crossovers.
2. The V-Bux system.
3. The varying cringe Emotes. (the ones that were added just because they were trending)
I'll start with number one. What I simply dislike about each crossover with a familiar brand is simply because EpicGames is trying to make money>. Think about it. Most of the crossovers include a form of recognisable brand that is in the favour of most of Fortnites general audience. Star Wars, Marvel, DC, and even Dune! It's the same with the state of cinema right now. Most of the more popular films that have broken box-office records have gained this popularity simply because they are part of a recognisable brand, or are sequels to an already popular movie. Maybe both! For instance, most of the record breaking films these days are either part of a familiar brand of films. Top Gun: Maverick, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Thor: Love And Thunder, the list goes on. People flock to these films because they recognise the brand, and decide to go see it.
And it's the same case for this game! Not only does EpicGames make money from the sponsorship, (and the endless ammount of people willing to use REAL MONEY to pay for a form of virtual currency) but it will also attract swarms of people that know the films.
Also, doesn't anybody realise how weird it is to watch these characters fight to the death? Idk man.
In my list of issues with the game, I also mentioned how I disliked the system that Fortnite used with their virtual currency, V-Bux. I might sound like an angry parent, but I just get so annoyed when people waste many on virtual games for 'pay to win' upgrades. In fact, just paying for anything inside of the game (this excludes paying for the installment of the game) in any video-game really just makes me shake my head.
Sure, Fortnite Players, you do you but in the end I still dislike the system heavily.
FInally, I also mentioned how I hated the emotes. This is more of a basic dislike, but just seeing the ammount of emotes that were simply added for the aspects of the community that use Tiktok, really just makes me sigh.
I know that it's just a game in the end, but seeing Goku hit the griddy is a new mixture of fear and cringe.
I'm sure there's some gamers in the Fortnite community that recognise the games faults, yet enjoy the game anyway. And good on them! If you enjoy Fortnite or any of it's seasons, then don't let me make you feel ashamed for playing it.
It's just a game that I personally think is overexposed and too popular for it's own good.

(In response to KahuIsSwaggs comment, I agree that this must have been a great way to pass time during the Quarantine. And yes, there are some creative game-modes that even I find interesting, even though the Imposters one is literally just (as I said) using brands to attract people to the game.
I've looked a bit more and no, there are no pay-to-win aspects, but I still don't like the diea that people use money just so they can buy skins, different gun designs and stuff like that.

With that said, still don't like the game

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2022


1 year ago

As a Fortnite player myself, I see exactly what you mean, like recently they added Pump Me Up and ngl it looks rushed, and just a huge money grab, which I totally agree with.

However... there is a lot, and a lot, and a lot that I love and respect this game for that I just simply didn't see in this review, which is probably because you don't play this game. For example the connectivity with anyone instantly helped me majorly through covid-19, or Creative mode where you can make your own game or play things like Murder Mystery, Hide and Seek, Tag, and others.

Some of the crossovers are genuinely cool (in my opinion) as well, like Goku brang a lot of people back to the game as this crossover brang kame-kame-ha and the nimbus cloud to the game which was simply FUN! Also Zero Build which I personally don't like but brang a lot of new people to the game who didn't like the concept of building and it's learning curve.

Or Party Royale where you can just hang with your friends. This game is a metaverse in the making which is probably why they're bringing a lot of familier faces to this game because they want you to be able to express yourself in any way you want.

Fortnite is easy to play but hard to master so you can have fun in this game no matter what skill level you are.

I hate our community though... I'd say 70% of it is toxic bitches but the friendlies do exist (I hope);

Overall, I love your review and see (from an insider to an outsiders pov) exactly where your coming from, although 2 things: Fortnite ain't a fps game and also there is nothing pay to win although they've had trouble with outfits that blend in to the environment in the past however I can tell they put a lot of effort into the battle pass and other cosmetics, compared to other free-to-play games the purchasable goods in Fortnite are far better than the competition (in my opinion).

1 year ago

EA games makes better games then this (I have not play a game from EA before)

1 year ago

oops, sorry I meant third person shooter sorry 0:
Buying v bucks for skins =/= pay to win upgrades.