Reading up on some interviews it's clear to see the influences this game had. The devs were well aware that Mario Maker defeated any need for a new 2D Mario game—at least in the traditional style that was established prior. So incidentally it forced the devs to FINALLY KILL NEW SUPER MARIO BROS WOOOOOOOO

Surprise surprise they made something actually new. No joke this is probably the closest thing to an actual Super Mario Bros. 5 they've ever made. The whole style and structure of the game feels modern and not outdated except lives lives are still here why are they still here i never got a game over why. They took 2D Mario and fitted in snugly to a 3D Mario structure. So that means a more non-linear approach to world design—levels no longer follow eachother back-to-back, instead, they're divided into groups that are all spread out and can be tackled in any order. What's more the win condition for every world is to collect a certain amount of wonder seeds.

ALSO WONDER SEEDS BEST ADDITION TO THE GAME. THEY'RE SO COOL EACH LEVEL HAS A UNIQUE SETPIECE TIED TO ITS WONDER SEED YEEES. Honestly they're a brilliant inclusion and bring so much life and creativity to the game. ALSO ALSO BADGES WHAAAT. They're such a nice inclusion that gives even more variety to playing and they can be switched out on the fly upon every death so experimentation is encouraged.

One small complaint i have with this game is in regards to its world structure its so weird. So you know how in Mario Odyssey each kingdom was divided into smaller kingdoms and larger kingdoms? Well this game basically does the same and it's eeehhh. It's really weird too 7 worlds: 5 large, 2 small?? The small ones just feel kind of awkward and anticlimactic like they have no end-world bossfight. The pacing in that regard is odd but the game's length isn't even a problem it's actually a solid 8 hour main campaign and a 15 hour completionist campaign. It doesn't leave you wanting more, but it also doesn't overstay it's welcome—it's perfect. JUST LIKE THIS GAME IT'S PERFECT WOOOOOOO

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2023
