This game is almost perfect. It's another Fromsoft title but I can't in good faith compare it to the other games as it plays so differently. My first time playing this game was rough because I was trying to play it like Dark Souls; Genichiro taught me real quick it wasn't gonna be like any of those games. Sekiro has the best sword combat I have ever played. The level of mastery you can display against each of these incredible bosses is awe-inspiring and has me coming back just to experience them all over again. The story is very serviceable with 4 very distinct endings. A lot of the NPCs can end up being bosses and if you make the wrong choice, you can cut the game a bit short as I did on my first playthrough. This gave me incentive to play it again even if it was a bit annoying to cut my playthrough short by selecting another ending. On replay getting to refight bosses that initially gave me trouble and just flawlessly defeating them through raw skill is unmatched. There's probably about 2 main bosses you could consider 'bad' and the rest are pretty much flawless. If you love a challenge and are a fan of the games setting/style, you should absolutely give this one a try.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2024
