A culmination of everything Fromsoft has made. Elden Ring has the greatest open world I have ever explored. It felt like I could go to basically any corner of the map and find something cool. This game has more bosses than almost every other Fromsoft game combined at a staggering 165 bosses. When you have this many bosses, you are gonna have a LOT of stinkers. There is a lot of bosses that are just the same boss but somewhere else on the map or just enemies in a room. This is a bit contentious with some fans but it didn't really bother me too much as there was still plenty of unique bosses and getting to refight a lot of bosses to try out different weapons/builds without needing to go through another playthrough was very nice. The world and lore might be the best I have ever explored and has me coming back regularly just to experience it again and again. While the bosses may seem like a downgrade from DS3, they have more depth than ever before. While I still like DS3 bosses better, ER bosses are great. Difficulty in this game is very oblique due to the variety of builds and spirit summons (mimic tear). So when players are confronted with an insurmountable challenge, there is always an easier avenue a player can take that can trivialize most if not all bosses. This doesn't really bother me since I still enjoyed most bosses just using my swords and rolls. Either way, this game can be enjoyed as a tried and true RPG or as a souls game with a high level of mastery. One of the greatest games of all time and a must play for anyone who loves RPGs.

Reviewed on Apr 14, 2024
