Final fantasy VI is wonderful and probably the best pre PSX final fantasy game and rivals the ones after
Silly clown get's jailed for war crimes and breaks out to commit more war crimes

Setzer, Locke, Edgar and Sabin were personal favourites apart from the main protagonist Terra, who is just wonderful.

The game heavily explores love and what it means to love and to be loved. Terra representing someone caught between two worlds having feelings she doesn’t understand really resonated with me, especially at the point in my life I’m at now.

But it shows that instead of a divided love, and instead of needing to choose, she’s loved by both. All parts of her have and deserve to be loved. She’s a wonderful protagonist and someone that I loved more over the course of the story

On the opposite end we have Kefka. Fucking Kefka, where do you even start with such a perfect antagonist. Clowns work wonders as antagonists, the use of insanity is always so fun to experience in a villain and Kefka embodies that perfectly.

The game is wonderful, I’ll probably come back to this review and make it better over on backloggd but yeah this is wonderful

Reviewed on Oct 28, 2023
