The Sun
A game that gripped me much more than I was expecting it to, while I didn't go for all Lost and Founds (yet) most if not all puzzles were really engaging and really got me to use my brain
I love the atmosphere and setting of Lospass island and the titular hotel
The characters as well are all really memorable and have such unique and charming personalities
And while the game has meta humour it doesn't beat you over the head with it or have it feel overdone and dry.
Sumio is also a joy to control and i love his growth throughout the game

And The Rain
There is a lot of walking
But I don't mind it, while it may turn some people off to me it engrossed me more in the world, made it feel more real and cherished the moments of slight fast travel, especially when the game points that out.
While I enjoyed the puzzles, some feel really obtuse and there's just so many Lost and Founds that it's extremely hard to find the focus to do them all after the first couple of days

Make the Flowers grow
All this to say I loved my time with FSR
the game has a lot to give and brings some old school and fun puzzle solving to the forefront.
It's an extremely calming game, one to play at night or when you're in the mood to relax and explore

Reviewed on Mar 26, 2023
