Honestly underrated nostalgic masterpiece of a game.

The gameplay is super fun, all the story mode levels are fun to play through over and over again, my favorite part of the game being the toy box mode, traveling around woody's roundup is breath taking and epic, all the customizations and unlockables are also really cool. People need to play this.


The performance and difficulty is really the only thing holding this back from a perfect rating.


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One of the best star wars games ever made, but not perfect. I feel like the story was a bit too plain simple, its pretty much they go there, then there, then back there. The graphics and animation is pretty ugly, like I get it its a Wii game, But I felt like they could have put more effort into it. Still the gameplay is amazing with one of the best lightsaber combat I've ever experienced in a star wars game.

8/10 (so far)

Go watch the movie instead.

I've almost completed this game, I just need to get those chozo arifacts then its on to the final boss. Really incredible gameplay and beatiful graphics for the Switch, While the story is really awful in my opinion and the bosses can be annoying, it's still amazing and I do recommend playing this if you've played the original or not.

I've played this game quite a few times and had enough fun at first. But tbh this game doesnt really dig it for me. It feels boring and feels like you're doing the same old thing and I mostly play this game just for the dlc, AND WHAT IS THIS PERFORMANCE??? The draw distance in this port is absolutely awful and is a complete joke, The Switch can handle so much better than this bruh. Just take a look at No Man's Sky, that game nailed it at performance for a switch port.

sorry fans

This just might be the emptiest game I've ever played. The game starts of kinda alright but then it gets so boring and annoying when the enemy death dialogue is THE SAME LINE, the maps are really empty aswell with 0 effort put into them, the graphics look really awful, ik its an old as console but come on bro this game is terrifying. While it does have positives. The first level and the boat level being kinda not so bad and the main gameplay isn't exactly bad it's just so boring and not enjoyable at all.

Perfect example of how to do a Nintendo Switch port.

I mean. it's just your average smash bros clone. When I started playing this for the first time it was a blast, but it gets old really quickly and the events are just crossovers to keep it alive.


Pretty decent collection. When I first started playing i ran into no bugs. that's pretty much all there is to say except DON'T PLAY SONIC 1.

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5 stars because Shrek is in it.

Pretty good for its time, but there's not really much to it and when I last played it, I raged so hard.

I recommend playing the sequel instead of this.