Where do I begin with Earthbound. It was my introduction to the Mother series, and I'll never forget it's impact on me.

Your first time playing through this game will be ROUGH! It is for everyone. You might get stuck and have no idea what to do next or how to proceed. Some dungeons may be annoying and filled with enemies that will wreck you and your team. But trust me, if you stick with this game, it's an unforgettable experience.

It's a very humorous game, it's got tons of fun moments, the battle system is really unique, and it's got heart. Some parts are a slog though and can drag down the game even for experienced players, and the inventory system isn't that great. I believe Mother 3, it's sequel, improves on these points though.

Oh and another thing...

Pictures taken instantaneously! I'm a photographic genius, if I do say so myself! Okay, get ready for an instant memory! Look at the camera...ready...

Say, "fuzzy Pickels."

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2023
