Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction was quite a shift for the series. For one, it was the very first Ratchet game on the Playstation 3, utilizing all the nifty features of the dualshock 3 controller. Mainly, the motion controls. More importantly though, this is when Insomniac Games wanted to tell a more serious story.

Tools of Destruction delves into Ratchets origins, mainly discussing where he came from and what happened to the rest of his species. Some Ratchet and Clank fans were not very big on this change in tone and story while others were. On my end, I actually quite like it. However, it does miss the mark in some spots. The main villain, Tachyon, is supposed to be this very threating emperor who has an entire galaxy under his thumb, except every time he's on screen the game makes him the butt of a lot of jokes. Mainly his height. They probably wanted to capture the same charm that Dr. Nefarious had but didn't understand why he was so charming in the first place. Tachyon only ever feels threating right before, during, and after his fight. Not very good. Overall though, I find the story and the lore it sets up to be very interesting.

Gameplay is very much similar to the PS2 Ratchet and Clank games. A great arsenal of weapons, some utilizing motion controls which you can turn off if that's not your thing. Combat is as fun as always! I find the planets in this one to be a bit boring. There are a couple here and there that stick out in my mind, but nothing as memorable as with the previous titles outside of the opening level. That might just be me though so.

Music is alright here. David Bergeaud was brought back once again, but a lot of the tracks don't really hit like they used to. This game goes for a more orchestral music score to fit the tone of the story rather then something alien sounding or industrial. Not a fan.

Overall, Tools of Destruction is a good Ratchet and Clank game. Fun gameplay with a very cool story being set up here. Though I always thought it was missing something.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2023
