I now see why everyone wants a new F-Zero. This game kicks ass. Simply one of the best racing games out there.

This game is challenging but not in a way that makes you want to tear your hair out. At first you'll be bumbling around knocking into walls and falling off courses like mad, but when you get the hang of everything...it feels great to play. Playing through the story mode levels is addicting. You play it on the easiest difficulty first, and then when you unlock the harder versions you keep coming back to earn more rewards whether it be new racers or parts for a new car you can build yourself. The higher difficulties really test your skill, and when you conquer them, you feel like you're on top of the world. If you find the story mode too challenging, then switch to the grand prix. It still provides that same adrenaline fueled hype that you get in the story mode levels, but at a more manageable difficulty.

This game also absolutely oozes charm. If this is the result of Sega and Nintendo collaborating, they should do it more often. The characters and world of F-Zero are fun and I hope we get to see more of them someday. Each racer has their own backstory and reason for joining the grand prix, making the decision of who you play as a bit more personal. When you win a grand prix you also get to interview the character you played as and ask them questions, allowing you to learn even more about them. If you manage to win on the absolute highest difficulty, you get a special cutscene during the credits featuring your character as the star. It's things like this that make me love this game so much. I was switching constantly between racers during grand prix mode, just to see what each had to offer cause I wanted to know more about them.

The game has a killer soundtrack as well. Each character gets their own theme song, and each race track has a great theme to go along with it.

Just a really great game. If you can somehow convince some friends to play it with you, it makes for a really fun time. My only real complaint is that I wish you didn't have a life system in grand prix mode. Losing lives on higher difficulties and having to start all over because of a small mistake is pretty annoying. If you're emulating, don't be afraid to save state at the start of a race to save some time. Just a make new F-Zero almost exactly like this one and you're golden, Nintendo.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023
