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1 day

Last played

February 11, 2019

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Single complete playthrough. Although sharing its core gameplay approach and part of its name with the earlier Subsurface Circular, the story premise and setting are very different. Quarantine Circular depicts a future world in crisis, gripped by a pandemic plague, within which a first-contact alien encounter offers a potential salvation. The game plays out as a text adventure, with players taking control of a number of different key characters in turn as the scenario develops - ultimately, much of the game seems likely to play out much the same regardless of the minor choices made by players, but there are a few more significant choices that factor into which of a number of different endings will be reached. The perspective shifts are effective in allowing players to explore all aspects of the scenario, though I fond that this brought a few moments of frustration where you take control of characters with directly-opposing aims from those which you may previously have been following. Overall, as a short story, Quarantine Circular is another impressive effort from Mike Bithell and I look forward to seeing what comes next from his studio!