Complete playthrough. Moving to the SNES, Super Castlevania IV is a notable step up from the NES games in a number of ways. Controls feel much slicker, particularly with jump patterns being more flexible; aesthetically the large sprites and some impressive graphical effects such as a simulated rotation effect) make the game more attractive and I think that I could detect some additional nuance to the classic soundtrack. Beyond that, the core gameplay mechanics are as solid as ever, though there's not all that much that's new here - combat is still primarily with a whip, while power-ups are directly brought across from the NES game. Arguably it's a case of not trying to change what already works well, but it would be nice at this point to bring in at least a little more variety, particularly with Castlevania III already having given us different characters to control (not seen here).

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2022
