A cool game you can finish in a day. With some extra stuff in it to kill some extra hours.

But it is half baked. The gun-play is good, while some mechanics feeling quite dated or even unnecessary.
But the main issue is that for a short game it feels like you are just replaying the first level over and over.
There is no amazing levels here. Just well made set pieces, and the game runs out of tools real quick, only having 4 type of enemies with 3 type of guns to play around with. Even the bosses are all the same or ideas get reused later.
Its not a COD clone. But its nothing that's going to wow you.

What should have been the thing to make its mediocrity worth it was the story, but sadly it is just poorly written, and painfully shallow. The ending being totally undeserved and just eye rolling.
I like the idea of a first person story being told and changed in real time, and I wished they delved into the gimmick of having an unreliable narrator.
Maybe its a guy to full of himself,
Maybe he isn't as heroic as he claims to be,
Maybe the plot for revenge is totally one sided manufactured to justify his own actions,
Maybe all of these, or none.
Make the narrator and the characters around him more interesting as they question this very story.
Actually use the the core thing that makes this game stand out.

But what you see is what you get.
It's just as painfully shallow like its game-play.

Genuinely bad in every aspect.
At the end this game feels more like its still halfway trough development. It feels like they forgot to add half the script for the story, or only made half of all the enemies so they had to continuously spam the 6 different ones they had in some of the most blocky and boring levels imaginable. Or how the balancing of the bosses make no sense and fail to be interesting. Or how bad this game actually looks when you really look at how these set pieces are build.

I can go on and one but after finishing it I'm genuinely let down how a game with this much praise. publiced by Devolver (whose latest published games haven't been all that, this included) still fail in so many aspects.