This game is a bumpy road that constantly flip-flops between repetitive gameplay loops and redundancy, to well-written story beats and enticing characters. At the end of the day, this is a game that took me four or so months to beat not for its length, but for its sheer lack of replay-ability. I adore some parts of LA Noire, and find others tedious. The ending is decent, but in no way makes up for the quick exhaustion that comes from hours of doing the same thing over and over. Feels more like a prototype of an idea than an actual fully-fledged and completed idea. I think the kinks of the sloppy motion capture, lack of cutscene skippability and same-y mission structure could’ve been worked out with a sequel, but I don’t think we’ll ever get one. I enjoyed more than I didn’t but I come away disappointed with my experience and don’t find it something I’ll be returning to anytime soon. Oh well, at least I can move on to another game.