3 reviews liked by Impwatch

One of the very few games whose story is inextricable from its nature as a video game. A paranoid treatise on sequelitis, emulated violence, manufactured consent, and the Information Age. Weirdly prescient.

It was really brave for Konami to ask the question, "What if Metal Gear Solid fucking sucked?"

I'm tired of motherfuckers in school tellin' me, always in the barbershop
"Pikmin 4 ain't 'bout this, Pikmin 4 ain't 'bout that"
All y'all motherfuckers talkin' about
"Pikmin 4 ain't no hitter, Pikmin 4 ain't this, Pikmin 4 a fake"
If I catch another motherfucker talkin' sweet about Pikmin 4
I'm fuckin' beatin' they ass
I'm not fuckin' playin' no more