With the top-notch atmosphere, excellent sound-design and iconic characters, FNaF 1 remains a true classic!

I wish I could love this one as much as most others, I really do. But, there's a lot I don't care for.

One of my favorites! Awesome setting, an iconic antagonist, great ambiance / atmosphere and an ending that encourages replay-ability. Another thing I love is that the cameras are way more useful here than they were in the previous two. Glad to see it's gaining more respect nowadays (clearly not on this site but oh well) cause I've loved it ever since my first play-through. It's still not better than 1, but I still think it's great.

The most hyped I've ever been for a video-game. While I admit it's flawed in a lot of areas, it shines in so much more. One of my personal favorites.

A boring, painfully scripted experience. Lots of wasted potential scattered throughout. Amazing aesthetic, soundtrack and voice-acting, but a terrible game.

This game is both great and bad. The tycoon segments as well as the salvage bits are excellent! The office gameplay, however, is the worst it's ever been.

Awesome game! Either a relaxing or challenging experience depending on your preferred style of play. Never trying 50/20 mode cause I value my sanity, what little I have left lol.

Outstanding! A brilliant VR experience with amazing DLC content. One of the best games in the series for sure.

Frostbear deserved a better debut.

Still my favorite Sonic experience ever made. With a large variety of characters, a big story and a LEGENDARY soundtrack. This game is truly amazing.

In some ways better, in other ways worse. Overall, still an incredible game. Adventure era was peak Sonic.

Ah, Heroes. I love and hate you at the same time.

Was the story always this awful?!

Ya'know, it's not GOOD at all. But, there's quite a bit of awesome stuff here. Especially the music.

Epic game! Werehog stages aren't my thing but wow this game slaps everywhere else.